Wednesday 1 April 2009

Belated Blog!

I wrote this on the 26th of March but I hadn’t got round to posting it yet, it had just been lying around in my word files. So, here it is:

I read in a book today that storytellers are “keepers of wisdom; they weave spells which feed the human soul.” What an imaginative quote. I must say I automatically went to reference that, and I will tell you what book it was from, but I won’t do it the Harvard way like I am so inclined to do. I am taking it as a good sign however, that I felt the urge to reference; my brain must be embracing this university way of thinking well. Anyway, the quote is from ‘Creative Novel Writing’ by Roselle Angwin. As smart as I sound quoting books in my blog I’ll admit that I read this in the first paragraph of the first page, but I’m working my way through it. The reason for my

I had my tutorial with Angus today, which I thought went well. Although there wasn’t much work to look at article wise because we haven’t really had much to submit, he said that my style of writing and forming a sentence in an article was “absolutely right”, so I’m happy with that. I may regret this but I also mentioned to him about starting a second blog for his side of the course where I’ll write an article or two every week so he can look at my progress. A good idea, we’ll just see if it’s carried out as well as it was thought up. I hope so.

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